To be her heart's special one.

9 years ago

I'm shubham singh and i'm 17 year old..and my girlfriend sadhvi sinha is 7 months older than me..we are in same city and of 5 years relationship..but every time ur attitude makes us far..we can't maked.any strong impact in each others heart..we were physically very close but it can't do any changes..everything is just normal boring type..till now i can't be her most special one..i can't be her true madlly and crazy luv person..

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" Love is a thing that is full of cares and fears. "

- Ovid» Love Quotes

Love Poem - My Love For You

Author: Alon Calinao Dy★★★★
My love for you is like a shadow
You won't see it but you know
It's there wherever you want to go
And whatever you like to do.
My love for you is always true. ...(Cont.)